Gungeon synergies. Firing the gun creates a short-ranged cone of ice that can freeze enemies. Gungeon synergies

 Firing the gun creates a short-ranged cone of ice that can freeze enemiesGungeon synergies  Trivia []

Gunderfury is a gun that gains experience and levels up with kills, up to a maximum of level 60. This effect does not stack with multiple Junk. Quality. Insight - If the player also has Trick Gun, a creature that resembles the Interdimensional Horror appears at entrances to secret rooms, revealing their. Barrels. If the player also has Singularity, shooting an upgraded Disintegrator beam at or near the black hole will cause a massive number of beams to. Prototype Railgun is a gun that shoots a high-velocity projectile in a forward line after charging a laser sight beam on target. Complete the Gungeon Proper 40 times. Shotgun Full of Hate is a gun that fires a spread of 6 projectiles (2 poison bullets which leave pools of poison goop, 2 regular bullets, a piercing nail, and a bouncing skull). Alien Engine also grants flight while held. Removed: - If the player has The Judge, the Judge's maximum clip is reduced from 9 to 5, allowing its special shot to be fired more frequently. Related Topics . Flipping a table creates a large area in which all enemies will be set on fire. Ice Water (Snowballer + Mega Douser) 6. Each shot can hit the same enemy multiple times. These bullets have infinite range. Reloading swings the axe, destroying bullets and knocking back enemies in a short range. The synergy is lost when Meatbun is consumed. Synergrace is an NPC who occasionally appears in the Gungeon after rescuing her. Fightsabre is a gun that swings the gun around when reloading, reflecting nearby bullets. Junk is a passive item. Elder Blank is an active item. Composite Gun is a gun that fires high-damage bullets. Polaris is a gun with three levels. Of the gungeon's synergies, there are some that have meager effects, while others are an incredible help. Raiden Coil is a gun that fires a continuous laser that homes in on and damages all on-screen enemies. Hail, Satan! - If the player has Demon Head, Demon Head gains piercing. Blanks have a chance to poison, freeze, ignite, or stun enemies. Reloading while standing on any goop (including its own) fully restores the gun's ammo. Adds a heart container. Increases curse by 2. Ser Manuel is an NPC that appears in the Halls of Knowledge. Badge is a passive item in Enter and Exit the Gungeon. After clearing the room, the charmed enemy (if still alive) is then automatically killed without dropping any money. Casey is a melee weapon that increases curse by 2. The mark on the reload bar is set to be at 2/3 of the length of the reload bar/reload time. ; Kalibreath - If the player has Yellow Chamber or Holey Grail, the Dragunfire and its projectiles turn gray. If a planet hits a wall or obstacle, it starts orbiting the player. Barrel is a gun which fires fish that have a chance to stun enemies and leave pools of water. The Turtle Problem refers to the. Upon being picked up, it assigns a trigger randomly from the list of triggers (see below). Also when charged and hitting a wall, it will trigger a free blank. Viewed 465 times. Well, you can open the map and then click on the items you've collected—items with synergies will be highlighted and have that blue arrow. Particle Accelerator - If the player has Particulator, whenever a split Particulator shot dissipates, a laser is. Shrines are statues that the player can interact with to sacrifice something and receive can be indicated before entering due to the presence of a green lantern by the door. The synergies Ruby Weapon, Diamond Weapon, and Emerald Weapon are all bosses from Final Fantasy VII. Plant Power - If the player also has Broccoli, the gun transforms from machine gun to beam at 150/500 ammo. These items can be passive upgrades, active abilities, or single-use consumables. A powerful machine gun that once belonged to a forgotten hero. Gun Soul is a passive item. Betrayer’s Lies (Betrayer’s Shield + Lies) 2. The soul will despawn after a short amount of time, if it hits a wall, or if a blank is used. They will usually not give out a gun of lower or higher quality than the guns it was fed, but if neither of the two offerings was an tier gun, there is a 5% chance to. No Odd Job - If the player also has Makarov, the two guns are dual-wielded. King Bomber (Lil’ Bomber + Others) 5. The direction of the tears is affected by the player's movements - moving left will cause tears to angle left. Grants a +2% damage bonus for each enemy killed. This. Tears of Blood - If the player has Bloody Eye, Tear Jerker's shots turn red and inflict slow. Bottle is an active item. The floor layout will remain the same, but all enemies previously killed will respawn. Knives vanish after taking enough damage. Drag CuttingRoomFloor. Its magazine size increases to 32, its maximum ammo increases to 300, its fire rate greatly increases, and it deals half damage. 3, the Dice Shrine's Unsteady effect decreased reload time. It is the same handkerchief given to Solid Snake by Otacon during his prison escape. Hexagun is a gun that fires extremely fast, piercing bullets that have a 20% chance to transmogrify enemies into chickens. The Halls of Knowledge is one of the Chambers in the game Enter the Gungeon. While active, attracts nearby bullets and converts them to ammo. A light blue arrow. Any water that the lightning passes over will become electrified. If there is not one already, create a folder called "Mods". Maximize Spell - If the player has Flame Hand, it turns green, and green flames will leave pools of green fire upon hitting enemies. Enter the Gungeon is a gunfight dungeon crawler following a band of misfits seeking to shoot, loot, dodge roll, and table-flip their way to personal absolution by reaching the legendary Gungeon’s ultimate treasure: the gun that can kill the past. Picking up any of the Gunknight items increases the. The Detective Magnum - synergy is likely a reference to the 1980s crime drama Magnum, P. It originally belonged to the female sniper character Sniper Wolf. Enter the Gungeon is a gunfight dungeon crawler following a band of misfits seeking to shoot, loot, dodge roll, and table-flip their way to personal absolution by reaching the legendary Gungeon’s ultimate treasure: the gun that can kill the past. Sausage and Pepper . If the player had this synergy, any. Arrows can be released early to deal less damage. is a gun that fires planets. Makes all guns act as if they have all of their synergies with other items or guns. Patriot is a gun that fires piercing bullets with high accuracy. Laser Sight is a passive item. Big Shotgun Gun - If the player also has BSG, the Big Shotgun fires five projectiles instead of three. Pitch Perfect - If the. Jolter is a gun that fires large, rectangular bullets with high knockback. It will keep track of which items you have, give you information about them, and tell you which synergies exist between. Monster Blood is a passive item. Clearer Guon Stone - If the player also has Clear Guon Stone, it grants immunity to poison, fire, and. Blunderbrace - If the player also has Macho Brace, Blunderbuss shoots bigger and faster bullets and charge time is reduced. Master Round is a passive item. I wonder if it's possible to get these items elsewhere now, or if its just another bit of. Altered: Diazepam -. Frosty the Bullet Tyrant - If the player has Frost Bullets, Snowballer shots increase in size and damage the further they travel. Demon Head is a gun that fires a continuous beam that slightly curves towards enemies and has a chance to burn enemies. The Owl's "Special Delivery" synergy is a reference to Hedwig, the snowy owl that accompanies Harry in the Harry Potter book series. Synergies [] Bluer Guon Stone - If the player also has Blue Guon Stone, the rotation speed of the Guon Stone is increased but it orbits farther from the player. In Enter the Gungeon, before unlocking him, he can appear after destroying chests and has a 20% chance to replace regular Junk. Hotter Than Heck - If the player has Flame Hand, the shot size and damage of the guns are increased by 25%, and grants fire immunity while either gun is held. 2. Hidden Tech Flare - If the player also has Hot Lead, the area of effect of Table Tech Heat triples and ignites enemies with green fire. When reloading, pressing the fire or reload buttons when the indicator passes a certain mark on the reload bar will instantly reload the weapon. Hidden Tech Bees - If the player has Table Tech Blanks, a swarm of bees replaces enemy bullets when a table is. If used again before Knife Shield is recharged, the knives are launched forward. Beloved by many, despite its flaws. Primitive Shapes - If the player also. Battery Powered - If the player has Shock Rifle, it automatically regenerates ammo over time. This gun's mechanism is overly complicated, but it proves extremely effective in the field. Jotun Time - If the player also has Heart of Ice, reloading the Frost Giant rapidly chills and freezes nearby enemies, and thrown guns deal 180% more damage. Winchester Rifle is a gun. It often appears after destroying chests. Like other guns, this will not fire if the. Item combos are combinations of multiple items or guns which work well together, despite not being in-game synergies. Shotgun Full of Love is a gun that fires a spread of 6 projectiles (two pink bullets, an exploding star, a candy, and two teddy bears) which have a chance to charm enemies. The Treadnaught can. This can negate contact damage, which regular blanks do not normally prevent. Blade Runner - If the player also has Deck4rd, magazine size of both guns is increased by 50%. The shield is destroyed after taking too much damage or upon leaving the room. Makes bullets purple and gives them a dark blue smoke trail. Monsters and Monocles - If the player also has. The bodies of enemies killed by the bat's tip will be launched and can damage other enemies. Phoenix's sprite shape is the same as the Shellegun. Thunderclap is a gun that fires small balls of lightning. Gunbow is a gun that fires fast-moving bullets that bounce seven times. If the player. Shrines Gungeon God - Enter the Gungeon Cheat Sheet This is a quick reference cheat sheet for all of the guns, items and shrines in Enter The Gungeon by Dodgeroll Games. The damage effect is lost if either player is hit in coop. Regular Shotgun is a gun. Using the Bottle with a captured Gun Fairy will spawn a friendly fairy that heals in half-heart increments. The six evolutions, in order, are: amoeba, sponge, flatworm, snail, frog, and dragon. Mass Cutter - If the player has Mine Cutter, when the Mass Shotgun shot splits, 6-10 piercing Mine Cutter lasers will be fired in a cone in the direction the shotgun was fired. This can also prevent damage caused by Cigarettes, which is normally impossible to prevent. Green fire does not damage or burn the player, and sets enemies permanently on fire. Just Like The Real Thing - If the player has Sixth Chamber, Yellow Chamber, Holey Grail, or Bullet Idol, Shotgrub's bullets will. Enemies must be fully inside the area to be ignited. If the player reaches the location where they died and interacts with their soul, they will return to. Ice Cube is a passive item. Singularity is an active item. Cigarettes is an active item. Shrines Gungeon God - Enter the Gungeon Cheat Sheet This is a quick reference cheat sheet for all of the guns, items and shrines in Enter The Gungeon by Dodgeroll Games. Hammer and Nail - If the player also has H4mmer, maximum ammo is increased by 50% for both guns. Lotus Bloom - If the player has Rolling Eye or Shock Rounds, the Laser Lotus gains the appearance of a flower. Upon clearing a room, spawns a turtle familiar. Charmed Bow is a gun that fires arrows which have a chance to charm enemies. Heart Purse is a passive item. Upon entering a room, there is a high chance that an enemy will become charmed for the duration of the room. Staff of Firepower is a gun. If the Mass Shotgun shot hits an enemy before it splits, the lasers will not fire. Purchase from Trorc for 12 . Appears at random in the Gungeon as a merchant, selling three poor quality items at a 50% discount. Some items will produce a unique effect when held at the same time. Black Flag - If the player also has Corsair, each Corsair shot will periodically fire two bouncing cannonballs perpendicular to itself as. Increases Curse by 2 while carried. The Lament Configurum must be used a certain number of times before it is successfully opened, and each time it spawns a gun or item, the number of uses it takes to open increases by 1. If there is a "mods. Alien Sidearm is a gun that can charge shots which become larger and deal more damage. 选择一个英雄,在. H4mmer additionally gets 5 hammer shots at the end of every magazine and. Hovering over or click one of the gun icons will display a description explaining what it does. Willing To Sacrifice - If the player also has Ice Cube, Heart of Ice, or Frost Bullets, Freeze Ray gains piercing and slowly regenerates ammo over time. Drum Clip is a passive item. Bullet Kiln - If the player also has The Kiln or Luxin Cannon, Elder Blank. While holding GuNNER, whenever the player takes damage, 40 ammo is drained and a blue skull spawns nearby that disappears after a few seconds. Also knocks back enemies and slightly slows bullets in the air upon firing. Orrery - if the player has Orbital Bullets, it causes the planets. Teleported chests will either appear in the starting room or the room right before the boss room. Great Queen Ant - If the player also has Crown of Guns, Heck Blaster,. The synergy Phoenix Up is a reference to Phoenix Down from the Final Fantasy series. Super Space Turtle. The AKEY-47 is one of the best guns in the game thanks to its substantial damage, and most importantly,. After killing enemies and gaining enough experience, it levels up on the spot without any extra indication besides the bullets and the gun's appearance changing. After firing the gun, sparkles appear in the air for a few seconds. Purchasing from Synergrace 3 times unlocks the Macho Brace. If playing in coop mode and the Hunter dies whilst holding the Crossbow, it will disappear. Strangely, this makes it both a bottom-feeder and an apex predator within the Gungeon. Plunger is a gun that fires a stream of poison. Increases curse by 1. Not to be confused with the Devolver. " Diazepam - Muscle Relaxant increases this gun's damage by 50%. The Crossbow is a gun that fires a single high-damage bolt. Com4nd0 is a gun that fires homing rockets. The amount of. Star Friends - If the player also has Stuffed Star, while Stuffed Star is active and Polaris is held, the player continually fires maximum level Polaris shots in all directions. In some case these synergies enable an alternate mode for the gun. The Elephant in the Room - If the player has Elephant Gun, it becomes an elephant head and shoots elephants instead of bullets. His role is to introduce the player to the basic mechanics of Enter the Gungeon. In some case these synergies enable an. Firing the gun creates a short-ranged cone of ice that can freeze enemies. The design of the. Heals the player for one heart. Lich's Eye Bullets is a passive item. Guns are the player's primary method of attacking enemies, and can be found by opening chests, defeating bosses, purchasing them from shops, or receiving them from NPCs. Usage. Cog of Battle is a passive item. It can be swung to damage enemies and destroy bullets. Experience persists across runs, whether the player dies, restarts, wins, or quits. Mega Douser is a gun that fires a stream of water with strong knockback. In Exit the Gungeon, he is unlocked by. Klobbering Time - If the player also has Klobbe, the Klobbe is doubled and fires two shots at a time. Hail, Satan! - Gains piercing if the player also has Pitchfork. Synergies []. The foundation of both synergy systems is a bit different: Gungeon has pre-made synergies, while Isaac tends to have ‘emergent’ synergies (though it also has its share of pre-made combinations and ‘intended’ synergies). Turtle Solutions. Hellhole - If the.